Visiting the grave of the batyr and its landmarks named after the great warrior.

A day trip to visit the grave of the famous warrior Malaysary. In honor of the Kazakh batyr they named a railway station in the Almaty region, a favorite mountain pass in Almaty, as well as the mountain range. Malaysary Ridge is a spur of the Jungar Alatau with the length of 80 km, stretching between the Ili river and Arkharly pass along Almaty-Taldykorgan highway.

Malaysary Batyr was a close associate of Abylaikhan. In the few documentary sources that have survived till our time, Ablai Khan highly valued his abilities and merits. He played a key role in liberating Abylai khan from the Jungar captivity. For courage and great peacefulness Jungar khan Galdan Tseren gave Malaysary "Tarhan" title.

Malaysary originates from Bayanaul, Pavlodar region, basentiin family of Argyn tribe.

By the fifties of the XVIII century Dzungar Khanate weakened, and the Sultan Abylai planning to influence the choice of an heir to the throne of Jungars, spoke with the troops towards the Kazakh-Jungar border. Malaysary joined the army with his troops, marched on Dzungaria, but, unfortunately, a great Batyr who survived through many battles was killed by a stray enemy arrow. Warriors buried him on one of the spurs of Jungar Alatau, which now bears his name.

Route Difficulty: minimum, suitable for people of any age.

Precautions: drinking water, a hat.

Average travel time: 4 hours by road both ways.

Visiting graves of Malaysary, schools after his name and a mosques: 2 hours.

The total length of the route: 6-7 hours.

Cost of the tour: no meals - 45 USD per person if a group of tourists consists of 3 persons.

The price includes transport, services of Russian-speaking / English-speaking guide, meals (depending on options).

Order tour by clicking "Book A Tour", 

by calling Outfitter KZ company's telephone numbers: 

+77014576666 Mariya, member of OUTKZ team

What'sApp is available also on +77014576666 (Mariya).

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The international tourist platform Indy Guide, in partnership with the national company Kazakh Tourism, awarded Outfitter KZ to SuperHost status.

Рекламная пауза
Tour Cost tour price on request
Route Length 1 Day

05 March 2017       3263 views


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